Signs Of Cancer In Dogs,Types,Diagnosis,Treatment


Dog Cancers Info and Signs Of Cancer In Dogs.

Reports state that cancer is one of the principal causes of death in dogs. Indeed, 1 in 4 dogs dies of cancer every year. Early diagnosis of cancer will help combat the disease effectively and greatly improve the prognosis. As a dog owner, it is exceedingly important to be aware of and understand the various Signs Of Cancer In Dogs.

Signs Of Cancer In Dogs

 Signs Of Cancer In Dogs

Dogs too are at a huge risk of developing cancer, at any stage of their life. Studies say, canine cancer is commoner among the middle-aged and old dogs, as against young dogs.

On the whole, cancer is one of the leading causes of death in dogs. Statistics state, about 1 in 4 dogs dies of cancer every year. The precise and quick diagnosis of cancer at an early stages helps effectively combat the disease to a great extent. As a dog owner, it is vital to know and understand the various Signs Of Cancer In Dogs.

The general Signs Of Cancer In Dogs are:

  1.  Weight loss is one of the most important symptoms of dog cancer
  2. Loss of appetite is very common
  3.  Blood tinged discharge may occur from the ears or the dog may vomit blood or the urine may be bloody or he may pass blood in the stools.
  4. Abdominal swelling
  5. Difficulty in urinating
  6. Difficulty in eating
  7. Abnormal growths on the body
  8. Difficulty in breathing, wheezing or gasping
  9. Bad breath or odor
  10. Extreme exhaustion
  11. Excessive thirst.
  12. Increased frequency of urination.

Commonly Occurring Cancers in Dogs

The following are the most commonly diagnosed malignant conditions in dogs. Alongside, are mentioned specific

Signs of cancer In Dogs.

Liver Cancer:

Liver cancer in dogs is manifested as vomiting, jaundice, bloody stools, increased thirst, weariness and exhaustion, loss of appetite and significant weight loss.

Bone Cancer:

Bone cancer or osteosarcoma affects the arms, legs, jaw, skull, ribs, and spine.

The affected part will swell and become painful.

Lung Cancer:

a chronic cough, coughing up of blood, gasping and wheezing, weight loss, fever, and extreme fatigue are common Signs Of Cancer In Dogs that suffer from lung cancer.

Stomach Cancer:

stomach cancer in dogs is relatively rare. The symptoms include loss of appetite, weight loss, vomiting, irregular bowel movement, lethargy and weakness, and rapid breathing.

Prostate Cancer:

Signs Of Cancer In Dogs in this type are enlargement of the prostate, swelling of the abdomen, pain during urination. increased frequency of urination, unusual secretions from the genitals and extreme weariness and fatigue are commonly seen.

Diagnosing Cancer in Dogs

1-Diagnosing by Signs Of Cancer In Dogs


  • The non-specific nature of Signs Of Cancer In Dogs makes it hard to diagnose.
  • Usually, cancer can be misdiagnosed and treated as just another ailment.
  • For instance; liver cancer often leading to loss of appetite, general tiredness and loss of weight, but it can be mistaken for something else. With technological advancement, it is possible to diagnose cancer with certainty.



  • X-rays are the most common methods of diagnosing, and CT and MRI are preferred to get a three-dimensional view of the affected tissues.
  • Diagnosis can also be done through ultrasound imaging when it comes to solid organs.
  • The same is used to attain precision when extracting body fluids and cells in tumors for testing.

3-sudden change in your dog habit

  • Other at-home-diagnosis methods include keeping a tab of the dogs eating or sleeping habits and being vigilant of any sudden changes.
  • However, a proper and precise diagnosis can only be done by a veterinarian.

Treating Dog Cancer Symptoms

  • Treatment of cancer in dogs is difficult, but possible if detected early.
  • Depending on the type of cancer, the vet decides what will be the most optimal treatment option.
  • More often than not, the treatment consists of :
  1. surgical intervention
  2. radiation therapy.
  3. chemotherapy.


  • The most common treatment method is the surgical removal of the affected tissues to prevent further growth.
  • The focus of such a surgery is cancer, but the surrounding areas have to be removed. An incomplete excision can result in further spread with fatal consequences.
  • Tumors can be removed through electrocautery, which simply refers to the burning of the affected area by using electricity.
  • This is a method that works best with benign tumors.
  • Modern techniques employ the use of lasers.

The surgeon excises the tumor, along with some of the adjacent healthy tissues, in order to make certain that no malignant tissue is left behind. He will also excise the nearby lymph nodes to prevent a spread to other parts of the body.

Occasionally, before the surgery, the surgeon may recommend radiotherapy and chemotherapy, to shrink the size of the tumor.


  • Chemotherapy is another treatment method of cancer.
  • it is used for both the control and prevention of further spread of cancerous cells.
  • Chemotherapy forms an essential part of the treatment regimen.
  • The drugs wipe out the cancerous cells effectively and prevent their multiplication.
  • It is highly complicated and has serious side effects.

3-Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy uses powerful beams of X-rays. They target the tumor mass and kill the cancer cells.

There are two approaches to radiation therapy in is curative while the other is palliative.

1-Curative radiation

Curative radiation is an out-patient radiation treatment, which lasts for about 15 to 20 days.

2-palliative radiation

palliative radiation is less powerful and only provides respite from the symptoms of cancer, such as pain, loss of function and bleeding.

Home Remedies For Cancer in Dogs

  • Home remedies for cancer in dogs are not encouraged, but they work best in supplementing veterinary care.
  • A healthy diet remains the best remedy as it aids in replenishing dogs’ strength and providing other helpful nutrients. Animal health experts recommend a diet free of carbohydrates and sugars, but rich in fish oil, vitamins, and minerals combined with powerful immune boosters.
  • Supplements such as vitamin C and E can play a vital role in hampering the growth of cancer cells.
  • Other experts have recommended the use of green tea, which is known as a natural booster to the immune system even in human beings.
  • Another crucial home remedy for cancer in dogs is maintaining healthy and positive attitudes.
  • Just like humans, dogs are prone to emotional factors and are sensitive to their owners’ wellbeing.
  • Maintaining optimism gives the dog a sense of security and will go a long way in ensuring the dog stays optimistic too.

The Importance of Dog Cancer Diet

Diet plays a very vital and pivotal role in the management of most ailments and diseases. It is often the only thing that makes the difference between a successful treatment outcome and a failure

There are a host of therapies that help combat and manage dog cancer, depending upon the dog and the type of malignancy. However, in addition to the treatment regimen, a specialized diet is very crucial. When a dog is fighting cancer, the most important point is to get the immune mechanism back to normal.

The specialized dog cancer diet is an important aspect of the treatment plan. It is advisable to visit the vet and get a diet plan that will meet your dog’s specific needs. Also, follow the following dietary guidelines to combat canine cancer effectively:

• The commercial dry food that you give your dog must be supplemented with additional animal proteins. Add canned sardines, eggs, cottage cheese, eggs ground turkey, etc to the daily dog cancer diet. The quantity of animal-based proteins and fats should be high.

• 1000 mg of fish oil, per 20 lbs of dog is recommended every day. it acts as the source of Omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids

Fatty acids, especially, Omega 3, 6 and 9 are vital to battle cancer.

• Consulting your vet to ensure that your dog is healthy enough for a high-fat diet and a high protein diet is necessary, more so, for those dogs who are suffering from liver, pancreas, kidney, spleen disorders).

• Experts recommended grain free commercial dog food that is supplemented with additional cooked or raw food. If you are apprehensive about how your dog will respond to a raw diet, begin with rare cooked meat and gradually wean them on to raw foods.

• An important thing to remember is, due to the high acid content in the stomach, the dog is not vulnerable to the bacteria that humans are, and a raw dog cancer diet is beneficial for them.

• Additionally, make sure that the dog cancer diet supplies them with the following:

Vitamin E: 400 I.U. per day
Beta-carotene supplement or raw carrots, grated
Decaf green tea extract: 100 mg per day
Grape seed extract
Selenium: 100 mcg per day
Quercetin supplement

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