What Is Parvo in Dog. Everything You Need To Know


Parvo in Dog is viral highly contagious disease, transmitted from dog to dog by direct contact.


Parvo in Dog,Symptoms,Treatment

  • The Parvo in Dog is a viral disease that affects puppies much more than adult dogs.

This viral disease is highly contagious and can live outside the body of a dog for a great deal of time.

It is most commonly found living in the intestinal tract and causes a chronic diarrhea to set in.

This can cause severe issues with your puppy, including the untimely death of the little one. The virus attacks the white blood cells and, thus, can infect the heart muscles leading to a sudden death.

  • Adult dogs can carry this virus and show no signs of having any symptoms, other than diarrhea.
  • This makes it hard to keep your dogs from contracting this virus as you may not know that one of your dogs is carrying it.
  • Once the dog sheds the virus in its excrement it can live for up to 9 months or longer.
  • This makes it easy for other dogs to become infected if they so much as stray too close to the infected pile.
  • Although there are vaccines for the parvovirus, it usually hard to keep your puppies vaccinated from it.
  • Most vets suggest that you vaccinate your puppies every couple of weeks after the puppy reaches 6 weeks of age.
  • Because of the risk involved with constantly vaccinating your puppies, it is suggested that you keep a very close eye on them when they are so young.

What Is Parvo in dog?

The Parvovirus is one of the most common and deadly serious virus issues your dog can get. You have to make sure that if there is a contagion in your dog or puppy, that you quarantine your dog away from your other dogs if you have more than one.

This quarantine should last a little over a month after the dog is deemed healthy and Parvo free by your vet.

You should also make sure that you, or no other animal, has stepped in the infected stools in the yard and brought them inside or into contact with your other dogs.

The best measure is to remove the stool completely from your yard.

While it may be difficult to make sure that you dogs don’t catch this viral disease, it makes it much safer for them if you can. Taking the time to prevent this disease from spreading through all of your dogs is a process that will take time and care, but it’s something you should try your best to accomplish.

What Causes Parvo in Dog.

  • The Canine Parvovirus is a very serious illness for dogs. A dog can contract this disease no matter the breed or age, although, it is more common in puppies.
  • That is due to both having a weaker immune system than their older kin and the terms of vaccination that prohibits pups that are too young from receiving it.
  • There are different strains of the virus.
  • The most common ones are strongly prevented by the vaccination shots.
  • If a dog is to be an “outside” dog, it should definitely be vaccinated for Parvo.
  • The virus can stay alive in dirt and grass indefinitely until it is washed away or covered with a new thick layer of dirt.
  • Even then, the virus is still not dead. It is just moved out of reach of potential carriers. Viruses have no certain lifespan.

They can live for thousands of years or until they find a host to reproduce.

Mode of transmission of parvo in dog.

Canine Parvovirus is transmitted from dog to dog by direct contact, such as:

  •  sniffing or licking.
  •  ingesting or touching infected fecal matter or simply sniffing it.

Most dogs can contract this serious infection by ingesting the feces of another dog that is or has been recently infected.

In fact, that is the most common way for the illness to be spread. However, the virus can also be commonly spread by the dog’s skin, to which the virus can spread to and live on.

  • Other dogs can be infected that way by simply sniffing, licking, or rubbing against the other dog.
  • There is ongoing research to find out if it is also transmitted by air. This is unlikely, though, because there is a significant difference in the amount of “inside” and “outside” dogs that contract the disease. It would also have a much higher rate of infection if it could be transmitted through the air.

If contracted, the dog can die within two to three days, depending on how severe the case is, and whether it is treated or not.

Black and tan breeds of dogs seem to be more vulnerable to the virus.

Parvo in Dog forms

The virus has two forms which are the intestinal form and the cardiac form.

1 -The cardiac form:

is the less common form and affects puppies in the womb by weakening heart muscles.

2 -The intestinal form:

  • The intestinal form of Canine Parvovirus is common form.
  • The intestinal form attack the lymphatic system, bone marrow, and the intestines causing Parvo in Dog Symptoms.
  • This cause dogs to vomit and have dysentery. Even if the dog is able to eat and digest food, the food may move too fast through the intestines for the body to absorb the nutrients because of the irritated bowels.
  • Home care for these dogs is nearly impossible, as they need high doses of antibiotics and quite often an IV.
  1. In the end with the intestinal form, untreated dogs can die from either blood poisoning when the virus enters the blood stream, malnutrition and dehydration from vomiting and dysentery, or blood loss because of dysentery.

Parvo in Dog Symptoms

If your pet has been displaying abnormal and scary signs of illness, one thing the vet will be checking it for is Parvo. Though most dogs are vaccinated at a young age, those that miss this vaccination can experience quite a rough illness.

When your dog has been infected, there will be common Parvo in Dog Symptoms to watch for. Since the mortality rate for an untreated infection of the Parvovirus is extremely high, you’ll want to pay attention to catch notice of these things as soon as possible. Luckily, Parvo in Dog Symptoms are often hard to go unnoticed by loving owners.

loss of energy

Your dog will experience a loss of energy. If your dog looks sad or tired more often than normal, that may be one of the first warning signs that something is wrong.

bloody diarrhea

The more serious Parvo in Dog Symptoms include bloody diarrhea. Though this normally carries a foul odor, the odor will become more extreme after infection.


Vomiting is another Parvo in Dog Symptom to watch for. The look and texture will normally be transparent and frothy, especially when they begin to lose water in their bodies. Sometimes the vomit may also contain blood.


Vomiting accompanying the continual diarrhea can easily lead to dehydration of the dog. With their body rejecting fluids, it can become very difficult to get them rehydrated.

High fever and a loss of appetite

Your dog will also be prone to experiencing a high fever and a loss of appetite. If your dog isn’t eating and can’t keep what it tries to ingest down, that is something that should warn you immediately.

-A way to tell if the dog has a fever is :

  • to touch their nose. A dog should always have a healthy and wet nose. If the dog’s nose is dry, it can usually indicate that your pooch is feeling unwell.
  • Another way to tell is if your dog is panting in fair weather and without too much physical exertion.

If your dog is experiencing any of the more severe symptoms, or a high combination of the symptoms listed, it is highly advised to take your dog to the vet as soon as possible.

Parvo in Dog Treatments

As you may already know, the Parvovirus can be a very serious one to hit your dog. This is especially true if you have multiple dogs that keep in close contact with one another.

The virus will likely infect all of them if there were no previous vaccinations. After your dog has contracted the virus, there are different methods of treatment for your pup to undergo.

  • Since the infection is so hard to battle, it’s best to just have your dog vaccinated as soon as possible. However, if the vaccination was not available to you or too expensive to administer, then you’ll be looking at a trip to the vet. That will be the only way to save your dog’s life.

As soon as you catch on to Parvo in Dog Symptoms, act immediately. This virus can become quite serious rather quickly.

Unfortunately, unless you are professionally trained to handle animals, and you have all of the equipment necessary to treat the dog suffering from the Parvovirus, then you will have to rely on a vet to take care of them and nurse them back to help. There will be no other way around it.

Though there is a high rate of mortality of infected canines, there is always a chance that a dog could survive. The treatment will be intensive and aggressive, as the virus won’t be leaving without a grueling fight. So you need to be prepared for that.

  • With an intestinal infection, the dogs will often need an IV. They will have the inability to keep water in their systems through continual diarrhea and vomiting.
  • Dehydration is the first thing to tackle to insure the pup can survive the treatment of the illness.
  • They are administered various injections of antibiotics and medicines to ease their nausea.
  • If the more mild treatments are showing little to no effectiveness, they will give the dog a blood transfusion from another dog that has immunity to the virus. In this way, your dog has a more promising chance to survive.
  • If the vomiting and diarrhea begin to cease, the IVs will be lessened and removed to have more normal food substituted. They will continue to treat the dog with antibiotics.

If the disease goes untreated, it can intensely attack the intestines and heart, eventually opening the way to new infections to sneak in and multiply.

The Parvovirus can greatly weaken, or distract, your dog’s immune system. In fact, it is often dehydration or another type of infection that results in the death of the infected dog.

It is highly advised to just have your pet vaccinated as soon as possible before the virus can even enter their body.

Ways to Prevent Parvo in Dog

Parvo in Dog can be prevented mainly by :

1 -Vaccination

2 -good hygiene

1 -The best way to prevent your pet dog from getting this horrible infection of Parvovirus is to have them vaccinated as soon as possible.

If, for any reason, you are unable to take them to the vet or get the vaccination, it is highly recommended to keep your dog indoors.

If your dog spends most of their time outside, keep them in a contained area.

2 – keep them away from other unvaccinated, stray, or generally unknown dogs.

These dogs may be carrying the virus, especially if they are exhibiting symptoms.

In which case, it is best to keep your dog away from them to lessen risk of infection.

3 -avoid public areas as play groups and dog parks.

And avoid any areas Where your unvaccinated dog may be exposed to parvovirus from other dogs until all vaccinations have been given.

If you want your dog to be able to meet other dogs and play at parks with unknown dogs, you should consult the owner of the dog to inquire about the dog’s health.

If you don’t wish to talk to strangers, then try to arrange play dates between your dog and the dog or dogs of an owner you trust.

4 -If you have multiple dogs and notice Parvo in Dog Symptoms arising in one or two, separate those dogs from the ones not displaying symptoms immediately.

Separate the others as well, as it could take up to 10 days after infection for Parvo in Dog Symptoms to arise.

Get the one showing signs of illness to the vet as quickly as you are able to do so. Untreated

5 -If you start to notice chronic diarrhea in your puppy, you should contact your vet immediately to make sure your puppy doesn’t have the Parvovirus.

If it does have the Parvovirus, your vet will be able to give it the attention it needs to help it get rid of this very nasty virus.

6 -Parvo easily becomes very severe, so do not waste any time getting them checked out and thoroughly taken care of.

It is advised, though, to just get the vaccination. It will lessen the effects of the disease and make it much easier to rid the dog of if they ever actually catch it. The difference in the severity of the illness can and will likely save your pup’s life.

The vaccination is often given in three different shots on three different days. The dogs have to be of a certain age to qualify for the vaccination.

  • Young puppies, specifically ones that are still nursing, are not big enough to receive the shots.
  • This can be troubling because the antibodies found in the milk that the puppies get from their mothers is not sufficient enough to fend off the virus.
  • There are pills that are available to try to immunize the pup with a lower dosage, but it is advised to consult a vet first.

Immunizing your dog against this virus will be one of the greatest decisions you can make as its owner.

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