The Causes of Diarrhea in Dogs


The presence of mucus along is a strong indication that there’s a problem in the dog’s digestive system.

Diarrhea in Dogs

Sometimes, even when you do your best to give your dogs the best care, the unexpected health problem can happen. dogs are like your children that need attention 24 hours a day.

The dog is man’s best friend. And just like a man, they can be hit with a number of diseases, including dog diarrhea.

Dog diarrhea is a very common disease manifested by watery excretion, foul odor, abnormal colored feces, and soft stool.

You can also notice your dog having a hard time defecating. Because of the strain that they feel coupled most likely with a stomach ache, you would observe that their usual stamina and enthusiasm would decrease


: is a frequent evacuation of watery stool .improper feeding, and change in diet are the main causes.

Neglect is one of the reasons why dogs develop diarrhea.

Diarrhea is mainly caused by parasites, bacteria, and sometimes, even viruses finding their way into the dog’s stomach.

Dogs straying into the trash and unkept dogs are very likely to develop diarrhea plainly because of their unhealthy body and surroundings.

The Causes of Diarrhea in Dogs

1-improper diet

The most common causes of diarrhea in dogs is an unhealthy diet. This means that if your dog fails to eat the foods that are right for it and ends up eating things that could disrupt the natural processes of its digestive system, diarrhea occurs. Dogs have a certain diet to follow. Once and for all, pet owners should realize that their dogs are not supposed to be fed with human food.

The safest way to prevent dog diarrhea is to give your pet commercial dog food. However, there are many dog foods in the market today. You should be picky when deciding which to feed your dog with.

  • Choose dog food as if you’re choosing your own food.
  • Different dog breeds have different diety needs, so you consider that and your pet’s age and lifestyle when selecting a food for your dog.
  • If you can’t stand the dog foods in the market because of their doubtful contents, you can always prepare home-cooked foods for your dog.
  • Feed your dog with bland meat, poultry, or fish. Your pet needs all the protein it can get.
  • Don’t add flavorings and seasonings to your dog’s meal. Use salt, oil, and vegetables sparingly.

2- A change in the protein content

A change in the protein content in your dog’s food can be a cause of diarrhea in dogs. If your dog seems hard to feed, it is best that you take it to the vet and ask which types of foods and at what quantity you should give your dog. Some dogs require high amounts of protein from meat. Others need calcium for stronger bones. Make sure your dog’s diet includes all the nutrients it needs

3-Intestinal Parasites




Certain molds and fungi grow in food after only a very short time. Feeding stale foods to your dog may cause dog diarrhea.

As responsible dog owners, you should make sure that your dog doesn’t go out of your backyard. You should also see to it that all trash is secured and away from your dog’s prying curiosity. Furthermore, you shouldn’t keep harmful chemicals within dog’s reach either. As much as possible, put them in high cabinets and in places where children and dogs can’t find.

The same goes for stale food and water. If your pet is through eating and it leaves a good portion of his food behind, it is best that you take it out and throw it away instead of just leaving it there for your pet to eat again.

Dog Diarrhea Symptoms.

If your dog is not feeling well, you’ll know right away. If your dog is not touching its food and is not as active as before, the chances are good that your dog is sick. Dog diarrhea has these symptoms exactly. Diarrhea is a problem of the digestive system. It is characterized by loose stools and dehydration. Dogs suffering from this aliment needs to be treated right away.

Dogs with diarrhea tend to move bowels very frequently during the day. And their bowels are softer than usual and often watery.

There will also be mucus in their stools. Mucus is the whitish substance that could have formed the dog’s intestines. The presence of mucus along is a strong indication that there’s a problem in the dog’s digestive system.

Chronic diarrhea in dogs

Chronic diarrhea in dogs is the most severe case of this disease. Here, there could be blood along the dog’s bowels.

Diarrhea may also come and go, but would relatively stay with the dog for a period of two days to two weeks.

But if the condition goes beyond that, the case has to be referred to a veterinarian for proper medical treatment.

Another symptom of dog diarrhea is vomiting. Dogs don’t normally vomit. When you see your dog spitting out the food that it had just eaten, it definitely is sick. And it most likely has problems related to the stomach. Dogs that tend to vomit food have a lower appetite and are less active. Fever may also be apparent.

Generally speaking, the symptoms of diarrhea in dogs are much like the same as diarrhea in people. If your dog is suffering from it, it is best that you monitor its condition. You have to know if your pet is responding to your medications or if the problem is simply getting worse.

In the first few days of dog diarrhea, it is okay to treat your dog at home. Start by giving it a bland diet. Dogs whose intestines are irritated require lesser oil in their meal.

Give your pet boiled chicken as it has lesser natural oil than meats and fish.

However, you should also give your dogs antibiotics as per the veterinarian’s prescription.

Keep in mind that diarrhea in dogs could worsen if left ignored. And it could lead to irreversible health conditions. Provide your dog with the proper care and guidance it needs. By doing so, your pet will live healthier and happier for many years to come.

How to Treat Dog Diarrhea


For acute dog diarrhea.

you can consider giving your dog home remedies.

  • First off, give them fresh and clean water at all times.
  • Since diarrhea makes them dehydrate rather fast, you should be able to sustain their water supply.
  • Water therapy is very crucial during the first two days of their diarrhea attack.
  • After giving them a water diet, observe your dog’s demeanor.
  • If their condition improves, you can start giving them bland foods and low-fat foods.
  • You can feed them boiled foods, tofu, and fruits like pumpkins.
  • Fruits and vegetables rich in fiber can also help.
  • You can add probiotic powder to their water to improve their condition.

Probiotic is a dietary supplement that has useful bacteria and yeast that can aide in the improving your dog’s health condition.

One more thing that you can do is to use remedies that are used to treat human diarrhea.

You can use Pepto-Bismol, a medicine that can also be used for treating dog diarrhea

You can also purchase medicines that are designed to treat dog diarrhea. You can ask your vet for a prescription. Prices can go anywhere from $5 to $50.

It is very important to drop by your veterinarian for a consultation if your dog does not seem to respond to any of the dog diarrhea treatments that you tried. If your dog’s condition is critical, a visit to the vet can save your dog’s health

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