A Few Standards For Switching Pet Food


While it is true that you can switch your pet’s food for dietary or budgetary purposes, you cannot just go and move from one food to another right away. It might be a challenge to get your pet to stick with a brand new food right then and there. Fortunately, you can use a few steps in order to switch from one food to another. It can take a few weeks for you to switch from one to the next but it will be worthwhile.

This is especially critical when you are moving from a puppy formula to an adult dog formula. Different foods will have to be checked to ensure that they are safe to feed to your pet and that it is something that your pet will actually want to enjoy.

Portion the New Foods

The first part of making it work is to get some parts of the new food into your pet’s diet for a few days. For instance, you might want to get about a quarter of your pet’s food to contain the new stuff you want to feed while the rest can include whatever you are already feeding to your pet. This portion will be enough to give the pet an idea of what will be expected in the future. In particular, this can be mixed properly before it is fed to ensure that the texture is healthy and easy to enjoy.

Getting Halfway Done

You should get a half-and-half mixture going after three or four days. This is where half of the food will contain the new food that you are trying to transition your pet off to. If you use this half-and-half mixture then the pet will begin to notice the new food and will feel more comfortable with it. Always keep this measured well to give off a better feeling that is relaxing for all to explore.

Wait a Bit for the Next Step

You should then get the mixture to where three-quarters of what you are feeding consists of the new food. If you get this total ready after three to four more days of half-and-half portions then your pet will certainly move towards the new food. The odds of the pet snubbing whatever you are offering will be minimal at this point.

When To Eliminate the Old Stuff

The final step is to eliminate the old food at the end of it all. After three days of a three-quarter format, you will have to make it so the food you are feeding contains nothing but the new stuff that you want your pet to eat. You will need to use this standard with care so the pet will feel happy.

You must make sure that you are aware of what you are doing when switching pet food products from one to the next. You need to be certain that you are aware of what you will do when getting your pet to feel happy with the food that you are serving. You cannot just go and move the pet to a new food altogether; you simply have to adjust your plans with care

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