Mange in Dogs is a skin rash caused by mites. The chief symptoms of Mange In Dogs is what’s called pruritus or severe itchiness. Since your dog can’t talk, you need to be able to spot dog mange before it can get more serious than just itching.

Types Of Dog Mange
There are four different kinds of mange that could affect your dog. Three of dog mange are very contagious while the other one is not. Here are the four types of dog mange.
Otodectic Mange In Dogs
One of the most common types of mange in dogs is otodectic mange – which is often called ear mites. Otodectic mange is caused by a microscopic mite called Otodectes cynotis, which is usually found buried deep in the dog’s external ear canal. Just a few of these mites can cause a severe reaction because they feed by piercing the dog’s skin. If you notice your dog violently shaking its head and scratching its ears, you can just about bet it has a case of otodectic mange.
Demodectic Mange In Dogs
- The second type of mange that could affect your dog is demodectic mange.
- It is the most common type of dog mange and is caused by microscopic mites
- that live in the dog’s skin called Demodex canis.
- Demodectic mange is most often passed to puppies from their mothers during the first few days of their lives.
- Puppies raised by hand will not get the Demodex canis mites, nor will older pups.
- These mites cannot be transferred to humans or spread among adult dogs.
- The mites that cause demodectic mange are more commonly found in oily-skinned shorthair dogs and pubescent dogs. There is believed to be a hereditary predisposition to demodectic mange.
Cheyletiella Mange In Dogs
- A third type of dog mange is cheyletiella mange, often called, “walking dandruff”.
- There are three common species of mites that cause this type of mange in dogs – Cheyletiella yasguri, C. blakei, and C. parasitivorax.
- The name “walking dandruff” comes from the fact that these mites are large enough that you can actually see them walking around on your dog’s skin scales.
- While cheyletiella mange can be found on animals throughout the U.S., they don’t normally cause serious disease.
- The females of the mites that cause this form of mange in dogs can live outside a host for several days.
- This means you should be aware that your dog could contact these mites through bedding or some other environmental condition.
Sarcoptic Mange In Dogs (canine scabies)
- This type of dog mange is often called canine scabies and is caused by the parasite Sarcoptes scabiei.
- These mites can infect all ages and breeds of dogs.
- They invade the skin of healthy dogs and create a variety of skin problems, the most common of which is hair loss and severe itching.
- This itching results from the fact that the female of these mites burrow into the dog’s skin and lays eggs several times as she continues burrowing.
- The tunnels she creates can actually reach the length of several centimeters.
Symptoms of Mange In Dog
- As noted above, in the case of otodectic , the chief symptoms of mange in dogs is violent scratching and head shaking.
- The dog’s earflaps may become red, excoriated, scabbed and crusted.
- Its ear canals may also have a dark brown, dry, crumbly, waxy discharge that looks like the coffee ground, plus the dog’s ears may have a bad odor.
In rare cases, the Otodect es cynotis mites escape from the ear canals and take up temporary residence some place else on the dog. In this case, you will need to treat the entire dog and any other animals with which it has had contact.
In the case of cheyletiellal mange, Symptoms of Mange In Dog are usually slight hair loss, dandruff, itching and, in some instances, a thickening of the dog’s skin.
- There are two kinds of demodectic mange or demodicosis, which is what the disease is called.
- The first type of demodectic mange is localized and the second is generalized.
- The major symptom of localized demodectic mange in young dogs is small, hairless patches near the eye, chin or forelegs.
- An adult dog may also develop localized demodicosis, the symptoms of which are hair thinning around the lips, corners of the mouth, eyelids and front legs – giving the dog a moth-eaten look.
- The chief symptom of generalized demodicosis is multiple hair loss patches on the dog’s head, legs and trunk that eventually coalesce to form large bald areas.
Dog Mange Treatment
The good news of dog mange is that it is relatively easy to treat. For example, the most common form of treatment for otodectic mange is to thoroughly clean out the dog’s ears and then treat them with a miticide ear preparation as prescribed by your vet. You can also treat ear mites with the dog flea medicine
Cheyletiella mange is most often treated with a common insecticide such as pyrethrins, permethrins or fibronil.
Demodectic mange is generally treated with the broad spectrum, anti-parasite medication Ivermectin. Ivermectin is not safe for use with Collies, Shetland Sheepdogs, Australian Shepherds and Old English Sheepdogs and maybe with any herding breed.
Sarcoptic mange is generally treated by clipping the dog, bathing him in a benzoyl peroxide shampoo and then applying an organophosphate or lime sulfur dip.
While dog mange is not a life-threatening disease, it can cause your dog much discomfort. If you notice excessive scratching or bald spots on your dog, be sure to see your veterinarian to get your dog started on the proper treatment right away