“Don’t let your dog get HOT under the collar” THE DANGERS and PRECAUTIONS


Have you ever taken your dog with you for a quick errand and left him/her in the car while you rushed into the local drugstore for a few minutes?

Depending on the time of year, the weather, and the errand, I’m sure we’ve all made the quick decision to just crack the windows and promise our pooch that we will be “RIGHT BACK!” at some point in our lives. Hopefully this blog will be a quick reminder that as summer approaches and the temperature rises, we all need to think twice about taking our dogs with us on that errand trip! Dogs left inside vehicles on a warm day can suffer and can even die due to the extreme heat, so even if you left your furiend at home for the day keep your eyes open for other dogs that might need your help!

Recently the pet friendly organization PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) published a brochure called, “Don’t let your dog get hot under the collar,” which explores the dangers of keeping dogs inside of hot cars and ways to help our furiends if they are experiencing heat exhaustion. Listed below are some of the dangers, precautions, and laws that we should all be aware of.






  • It takes only minutes for a pet left in a vehicle on a warm day to succumb to heatstroke and suffocation. Most people don’t realize how hot it can get in a parked car on a balmy day. However, on a 78 degree day, temperatures in a car parked in the shade can exceed 90 degrees — and hit a scorching 160 degrees if parked in the sun!
  • Even when the outside air temperature is in the 60s, temperatures inside some vehicles can reach the danger zone on bright, sunny days. So many experts recommend not to leave pets or children in parked cars even for short periods if the temperature is in the 60s or higher.
  • Rolling down a window or parking in the shade doesn’t guarantee protection either, since temperatures can still climb into the danger zone. And if the window is rolled down sufficiently, the pet can escape. Plus if a passer-by claims he or she was bitten through the car window, the pet owner will be liable. What about leaving the dog in the car with the air-conditioning running? Many people do this, but tragedy can strike — and it has. For example, in 2003, a police dog in Texas died after the air-conditioning in the patrol car shut down and began blowing hot air. The air system’s compressor kicked off because the engine got too hot. Many cars, including modern models with computerized functions, are prone to the same problem. In August 2004, a North Carolina couple lost two of their beloved dogs, and nearly lost their third dogs, as result of a similar failure. They had left bowls of water and ice in the car, and the air-conditioning on, during their shopping trip of less than 30 minutes.
  • Animals are not able to sweat like humans do. Dogs cool themselves by panting and by sweating through their paws. If they have only overheated air to breathe, animals can collapse, suffer brain damage and possibly die of heatstroke. Just 15 minutes can be enough for an animal’s body temperature to climb from a normal 102.5 to deadly levels that will damage the nervous and cardiovascular systems, often leaving the animal comatose, dehydrated and at risk of permanent impairment or death.


  • Leave your dog at home on warm days.
  • On trips with your pet, bring plenty of fresh drinking water and bowl.
  • Don’t let dogs ride loose in pick-up truck beds. The hot metal can burn a dog’s paws, the sun and flying debris can hurt the dog, the dog can accidentally be thrown out of the truck if the brakes are suddenly applied, and the dog can jump out if scared or upon seeing something interesting to chase. Instead, use a crate to create a safer space for the dog if you can’t fit the dog inside the truck cab.
  • Take the dog into the shade, an air conditioned area, or to the vet if you see signs of heat exhaustion, which include restlessness, excessive thirst, heavy panting, lethargy, dark tongue, rapid pulse, fever, vomiting, glazed eyes, dizziness, or lack of coordination. To lower body temperature gradually, give the animal water to drink, place a cold towel or ice pack on the head, neck and chest, and/or immerse the dog in cool (not cold) water. Call your veterinarian.
  • If you see a pet in a vehicle on a hot day, take immediate action:  Note the car make, model, color and tag number, then go to the nearest stores and ask the managers to page the owner or call the police, which usually can respond much faster than can animal control departments. The police have the capability to enter the vehicle and rescue the pet.


  • It is against the law in most jurisdictions to leave a pet unattended in a standing or parked motor vehicle in a manner that endangers the health or safety of the animal.  Please check your local and state laws regarding this topic, especially since the penalties for this act can vary.

Our dogs are our family and no one wants to see them suffer.  Just remember to use your best judgment when trying to keep your dogs safe and healthy and if you come across a furiend in need this summer try using one of the precaution tips above!

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