Dog DiseasesTransmissible To Man


what is dog diseasesTransmissible to man

Though dogs harbor a variety of diseases that are communi­cable to man, the actual transmission of dog diseases to man is relatively rare.

However, it is a sensible precaution to have the animal examined periodically by a veterinarian in order that the possibility of disease transmission is re­duced to its barest minimum.

If the animal is

1-kept clean.

2-well fed.

3-in a constant state of vigor.

it is very likely that the owner will never be faced with the problem of disease trans­mission.

Listing these dog diseases is about all that we can do. You will read names that you probably never heard before and will very likely never hear again.

In any case, if you should ever come across them, you will be at least vaguely aware that you have heard them before. In a book devoted to dog health —even in a popular one such as this—the reader has a right to know that there are certain dog diseases that they can com­municate to man, and he should be told what they are.


Rabies is the most serious transmissible affliction and is passed on through the bite of a rabid animal. If all bite cases are reported, and if the animals involved are examined, no further difficulty will ordinarily be encountered since rabies in man is easily cured. We will have a special word about rabies in the dog in a later chapter.


Leptospirosis is another of dog diseases that is becoming an in­creasing problem, and humans can be infected by the dog or­ganism.

3-echinococcus tapeworm

Among the transmissible internal parasites are the com­mon dog tapeworm, the guinea worm, several species of flukes, and—most dangerous an echinococcus tapeworm species that spends its adult life in the intestine of the dog.

4-sarcoptic mange

Of the three forms of mange, sarcoptic mange is transmis­sible, and man may be infected, but rather uncommonly, by various ringworm parasites that occur in dogs.

Though the appearance in dogs of tuberculosis, anthrax, glanders, foot and mouth disease, and trichinosis does not constitute a serious threat to man, the possibility of their trans­mission by way of the dog is conceivable.

Rat-bite fever and other rodent infections may be trans­mitted with the dog acting as a mechanical carrier.

Dog sporotrichosis is probably not very significant, while the chief reservoir of Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Bou-tonneuse fever is in the dog.

Dogs have been reported to be susceptible to the scarlet fever organism and may be partly responsible for the spread of this disease.

Other dog diseases that they may transmit are

-lymphocytic choriomeningitis.

-various forms of typhus.

-South African tick fever and Q fever.

-Tsutsugamushi disease.

-brucellosis, diphtheria.

-hemorrhagic septicemia.


-tularemia and a large variety of diseases caused by parasites.

This sounds like a formidable list of dog diseases and some of the names sound outlandish enough to trouble the spirit of even the boldest among us. But let me repeat: the bark is worse than the bite.

The fact remains that the transmission of dog diseases to man is quite rare.

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