lyme disease in dogs symptoms&teatment


It is caused by Ticks who are the effective carriers of Lyme disease. There may be cases where the symptoms or signs cannot be traced or the disease is completely mis-diagnosed. If this be the situation then there are chances that the bacteria will spread to the heart, the kidneys and in the rarest of the rare cases to the nervous system. However, there is a reason for owners to be cautious because even if the dog appears to be healthy from outside, he may be an affirmative case of Lyme disease.

lyme disease in dogs symptoms& Signs

1) There is a frequent lapse of lameness in dogs front legs which shifts from one leg to another, causing the lymph mode on the shoulder to be enlarged. The dogs yelp when the affected joints are pressed.

2) While they walk, they walk stiffly and have arched back as it causes a lot of pain for them. As a result of this exercise usually causes arthritis, sprains cervical spinal problem, lumbar, etc, accompanied by fever and depression.

3) There are situations where the dog is vaccinated and still signs of Lyme persist. In such a case, special tests are done as a result of remaining side-effect of the vaccine.

4) When the signs go unnoticed for the initial stage, then it posses a problem. In the later stage, the disease may spread to the dogs heart or even the nervous system. However, painful joints and skin rash subside under these conditions.

Treatment for Lyme Disease in dog

  • The dogs should improve within a few weeks of proper antibiotic treatment but even then, there are chances of the disease relapsing in case when the treatment is stopped before it should be.
  • A treatment of administering drugs called Doxycyline and Ammoxicillin must last at least for a month.
  • Aspirin is given to dogs to control the pain.
  • Another way of treating this disease is by using shampoos and dip products that help in killing and repelling the ticks.
  • There are preventive collars containing amitraz along with a 30-day course of fipronil spray to repel the ticks. These prove to be very effective ways of curing and avoiding relapsing of this disease



In dogs, two tests, i.e. Elisa and Western Blot are conducted wherein the West Blot is the sensitive one.


Vaccination should be given only to high-risk dogs who frequently roam in meadows or woods infested with ticks. In the initial stage, the dog is given two injections after every 2-3 weeks. Besides this, the dog must be given a yearly dose of booster to keep these ticks at bay.


Lyme DiseaseLyme Disease in dog
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